Tips To Get Trough The Day With Little Sleep

Published on 12/13/2021

Eating much before bed, having too many thoughts in your head, or a crying baby that has kept you up all night: it is often impossible to get enough sleep. In the morning we feel overwhelmed – and the thought of a day full of work, meetings and errands only leads to beads of sweat standing on our foreheads. But there are a few tricks to recharge your batteries even after a night with too little sleep and thus successfully master the day away from known means such as coffee and Co.


If you feel completely exhausted in the morning, follow the motto: water on! Because when our body is dehydrated, we also feel really tired. So sit on a large glass of lukewarm water in the morning and add some freshly squeezed lemon – you will see that it gives you a good boost of energy.

Cold Shower

The next step to start the day successfully: take a cold shower! An alternating shower (alternating cold and warm water) stimulates the circulation. During the day, you can splash some cold water on your face or place a cold-wet cloth on the back of your neck.

Move And Get Some Air

Even if you feel completely exhausted after a night of too little sleep, it is important that you get enough exercise: ride your bike to work, get off a bus or subway station earlier, and walk the rest of the way, or park your car further away from your work entrance – this will help wake you up. In addition, you get enough daylight or even sun in the fresh air: Light helps to inhibit the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Also make sure you have enough lighting in your work environment, e.g. through good lighting at your desk, or go outside during your lunch break.

The Right Nutrition

Of course, it is tempting to reach for countless cups of coffee after too little sleep … However, you should be careful not to consume too much: after all, caffeine can make you restless and nervous. On “tired days” reach for light, refreshing fruit, water with lemon, or protein-containing foods (nuts such as almonds or cashews, yoghurt, chicken, fish, etc.). On the other hand, avoid large meals that force your body to put a lot of energy into digestion: Fast foods such as burgers and fries or dishes that contain a large amount of carbohydrates should be taboo for you on this day.


Maybe it is possible for you to have a power nap during your lunch break? The little nap in between helps to recharge your batteries. Make sure, however, that the rest phase does not last longer than 20 minutes – otherwise you will be more tired afterward than before.

Bring A Change Into The Day

If you have not gotten enough sleep, you may be less active and not as productive the next day. So if you can, try to do tasks that are easy for you to do and that do not require too much thinking.