Targetting the obliques and waist area is what leads to a smaller frame and smaller appearance. However, it is not only about strengthening those muscles but the entire abdominal wall. However, if your abdomen region is your biggest issue we highly recommend trying out these exercises below. The obliques should not be forgotten and will make you feel smaller within a few weeks of trying these exercises. Add them into your ab routine or after most workouts and the benefits will be soon to follow. We recommend doing these exercises a minimum of three times a week for the best result.

How To Cinch Your Waist And Tighten Those Obliques
Side Planks
The great thing about these is that they target not only your obliques but your shoulders, core and hips too. The best way to start is by lying on your side with your legs directly on top of one another. Then position your arm directly under your shoulder and press up. When doing so engage your core and squeeze your buttocks. Try to keep your hips as raised as you can and hold for at least 30 seconds.
Sit-Ups To Twist
These target the entire abdominal wall and all its muscles. Remember to place your hands behind your head, engage your core and do a full sit up, then twist- alternating sides each time. Ensure your heels are digging into the floor and not lifting. Keep your back lowered and to the ground.
Russian Twists
The whole core is engaged and being worked, whilst the emphasis is on the obliques. Ensure you are holding your core and tightly as your back needs to be stable and strong. Sit up with your legs placed in front of you, engage your core and twist from side to side. The twisting motion is what targets those obliques.