6 Reasons Why You Should Eat A Banana Every Day

Published on 02/27/2023

Bananas cause constipation – a myth that has been circulating for a long time, but has now been definitively disproved. And despite their relatively high nutrient density, there is almost nothing to say against eating a banana every day, but countless things in favor of it. We have 6 reasons why you should eat bananas every day.

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6 Reasons Why You Should Eat A Banana Every Day

Bananas Are Good For Digestion

Bananas are high in pectin, a fiber that supports proper digestion. The fact that they also help with diarrhea is due to their magnesium and, above all, potassium content. Digestive problems are often caused by a lack of nutrients. That’s why it’s also a good idea to eat a banana a day to prevent muscle cramps.

Bananas Can Help With Stomach Pain

Bananas also provide a reliable remedy for complaints one floor “higher”, i.e. in the stomach. Bananas are a soft and drug-free solution for heartburn and similar acid-related stomach problems. This is not least due to their starch content. Because the banana pulp wraps itself around the irritated gastric mucosa like a protective film, relaxes the digestive tract and also has a positive effect on the acid-base balance.

Eating Bananas Makes You Feel Good

It is well known that one feels relaxed and satisfied after the climax – an effect that the consumption of bananas can also produce. They contain tryptophan (i.e. the amino acid that is converted into serotonin during orgasm) – and also large amounts of dopamine, which also has a mood-enhancing effect.

Bananas Provide Quick Energy

Their aforementioned dopamine content also makes bananas the perfect snack for athletes. Without putting a strain on the stomach, they effectively ward off small hunger pangs. The combination of natural fructose content and soluble fiber gives the body energy that is readily available and lasts for a while. Incidentally, the glycemic load of bananas is also moderate, which is why the blood sugar level after consumption – contrary to what one might fear with the keyword “fruit sugar content” – does not skyrocket and then fall again, but remains stable.

They Can Prevent Diseases

The potassium found in bananas is also essential for heart health. The potassium-sodium ratio of bananas therefore has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and improves blood circulation. And the danger of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, should also be able to be “eaten away” with bananas. Researchers at South Korea’s Gyeongsang National University have also discovered that bananas (like oranges and apples, by the way) contain a substance that reduces oxidative stress.

Bananas Are Versatile

Whether in fruit salad, as the main ingredient in banana bread or for the exotic touch in curry – bananas are versatile in the kitchen. In dried form, they are a low-salt and low-fat substitute for potato chips and other snacks. Incidentally, dried bananas contain even more health-promoting potassium than in their ripe form. As part of a vegan diet, bananas not only score points for their high nutrient density, but above all for their special consistency: A mashed banana can easily replace the eggs in the cake batter and also give it a pleasantly fruity note. Yummy!