Our skin and overall body health go hand in hand with one another, however, we do not always realize there are small things that can change and affect these aspects. These fun facts will inspire you to look at your health differently and encourage you to be aware of how each and everything we do affects something else in our lives. These random facts will enlighten you and show you just how each and every aspect of our bodies has a purpose, task, and is there for a reason. Some of these are beneficial and others are just super interesting to know, however, they tackle mood, calorie-burning and skin-promoting foods too.

These Fun Health Facts Will Change The Way You Treat Your Skin And Health
Skin-Friendly Foods You Must Know About
Research regarding what foods protect your skin is still underway and not completely thorough enough just yet. However, foods that are antioxidant-enriched seem to be leading the way. Fruits and vegetables that are orange and yellow in color are good for the skin such as carrots, peppers, apricots, and more. Additionally, other vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, beans, lentils and peas are good too. Berries are a great source of antioxidants and may affect the skin. Lastly, healthy fats and omega-3 enriched foods such as salmon, mackerel, and nuts, and seeds will have you glowing. Just a little fun fact is that there are more bacteria in your mouth than inhabitants on earth.
Mood-Friendly Foods That May Just Change Your Feelings
Some foods have shown to affect and boost one’s mood. These include crab, oysters, elk, spinach, dark chocolate, bananas, and fermented foods to name a few. Yes, dark chocolate is an important one- chocolate has an enjoyable taste, pleasant texture, and smells good all of which may boost one’s mood. Dark chocolate also reduces inflammation and is believed to release all types of chemical responses that are mood boosters. Moreover, bananas are rich in vi5tamin B6 which causes the synthesis of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin in the brain. The truth is foods that are mood boosters are in actual fact usually the same as those that are good for your skin, how exciting is it to think that food can boost your mood.
Calorie Burners You Never Knew About
There are some strange things that burn calories, but facts are facts. If someone had to bang their head against a wall for an hour they would burn 150 calories in an hour. Moreover, we burn more calories when we are asleep than when watching television or sitting around. Eating spicy food, driving, brushing your teeth, kissing, and even chewing burn calories in the day- just not such a substantial amount of calories. Lastly, laughing 100 times is the same as working out on a stationary bike for 15 whole minutes. Laughing is one of the best things you can do for yourself all-round, and life should be spent laughing away too. Next time you have a giggle just remember it is actually healthy for you.